These are the lists of diseases in the medical world: Well... Some of them... These are the main ones:

Viral diseases:

AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Chicken Pox

Common Cold

Cytomegalovirus (Virus that affects the liver and other organs)

Colorado Tick fever ( Viral infection that causes nausea, headaches , vomiting and pain around the body)

Dengue fever (Causes nausea, vomiting and a rash covering most of the body)

Ebola (Disease that causes severe bleeding in the rectum and other body parts, rare and contained)

Hepatitis (Viral infection that affects the liver)

Measles (Affects the eyes making it red with symptoms such as a common flu or hayfever)

Polio (Infectious disease that paralyzes victims)

Rabies ( Contagious viral infection that affects the nerves leadin up to the brain making swallowing painful with fear of water)

SARS ( Severe acute respratory syndrome)

ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)

Gastroentertis (Disorder in the intstines)

Meningitis (Virak infection that inflames the spinal cord)

Pneumonia (Deadly disease that inflames the lung)

Yellow fever (Viral disease that creates a yellowish tinge on the victims skin)


Bacterial Diseases

Cholera (Infection of the intestines that causes severe cramps and blue skin)

Diphteria (Disease that affects the lungs, throat and tonsils)

Legionellosis (Rare disease that causes sever chills and a cough)

Tuberculosis (Disease that infects the lungs making the victim expel blood)

Typhoid fever (Affects mainly the intestines)

Thyphus (Makes the victim have a splitting headache with lice)

Salmonella (Contagious infection that is caused by food borne bacteria)




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